Sunday 16 March 2014

Yikes! Another Birthday!

It's my Birthday today and my husband took me out for lunch at Prairie Ink.
I had the schmoo cake for dessert. And they put a candle in it for me.

It was wonderful!!

 Had a great day!
Also had face time with the grands in Sooke sending lots of hugs and kisses over the internet. They  sang happy birthday to me but face time sound quit half way in.
Just after lunch I received a wonderful chorus of happy birthday from Allison, Eva and Norah - oh how I wish I could have recorded those sweet voices too.
Mark called from the zoo in Calgary- that guy gets around!!
My mom called from Victoria. :)
Oh and Harold wished me a happy birthday as we cleaned up a minor flood in the kitchen... that under counter leak will have to get fixed soon. :)
So a wonderful day.
I am blessed!

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